The Rochdale Fund for Relief in Sickness is a local charity which was set up to help anyone in Rochdale who requires help as a result of hardship caused by sickness, injury, or disability.
This includes financial support to people with physical and / or mental illness, or where a current living situation is likely to impair physical or mental health. It may be a particularly tough time or a change in circumstances is causing a hardship situation for individuals, families and / or children.
Individuals living in Rochdale and organisations supporting those who live in Rochdale
can be eligible for our grant funding.

Individual Applicants
Rochdale Fund for Relief in Sickness can provide
Aids for daily living e.g. wheelchairs, hoists, IT equipment, adaptations to homes, special leisure equipment, medical aids etc.
Financial assistance towards the cost of washing machines, cookers, clothing, beds, bedding etc for those with illness in the family.
Respite in the form of holidays and outings, nursing aid or comfort, help for close relatives to visit or care for patients.
Other items, services and facilities at the discretion of the Trustees.
Unfortunately the Fund cannot help with:
Payment of debts, including utility bills, Council tax, Inland Revenue payments etc.
Hardship not directly relating to, or caused as a result of, sickness.
We welcome applications from residents of Rochdale including Littleborough, Milnrow Middleton, Heywood, Norden, Birtle, Milnrow and Newhey. Applications need to be supported by a letter from a recognised body such as Social Services, a Health Visitor, a Doctor or other appropriate authority. ​​​

Rochdale Fund for Relief in Sickness can provide:
Medical equipment for hospitals and hospices
Equipment for special schools
Specialist equipment for mainstream schools
Equipment for organisations that provide food to families who have deprivation as a result of sickness.
The Trustees may also make grants to other bodies, both statutory and voluntary, to assist them in providing equipment, services or facilities which may alleviate the suffering, or promote the recovery of, persons who qualify.
We are unable to approve any applications from national charities unless they are able to supply names of individuals they are helping in the Rochdale area.
All grants are made solely at the discretion of the Trustees.
Any questions or need help with filling in your application, do contact us. We are happy to help.
01706 644187